Arrest The Traffickers, Not the Kids!

This story from the Los Angeles Times reveals a sea change among that city’s law enforcement agencies when it comes to the scourge of sex trafficking. They recognize children caught in this web for what they are — innocent victims, not prostitutes. May this realization take root in every city in America, and lead to true legislative change to rescue, treat and protect all young people involved.

Los Angeles sheriff gets real on sex trafficking

ELCA Presiding Bishop Denounces Possible Anti-Muslim Protests

In response to announcements from anti-Muslim activists intending to protest outside U.S. mosques and Muslim community centers this weekend, the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), released on Oct. 9 the following statement:

“As Christians, we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbors. Today our neighbors include Muslims – upstanding faithful Americans. The enemy we face is not Islam but hatred and fear. I join my sisters and brothers in calling for gestures of solidarity with our American Muslim neighbors. Together we can witness to the world that God’s love will have the last word.”

Eaton’s statement is one of several from U.S. religious and other leaders made available through the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign: Standing with American Muslims, Upholding American Values. The ELCA is a founding member of the campaign.

LEAN’s Mike Patterson Takes Part in DC Advocacy Gathering

Recently the Rev. Mike Patterson, LEAN’s advocate to the Nevada Legislature, took part in a nationwide advocacy event in Washington, D.C., along with LEAN Policy Board member and retired Lutheran Pastor Jack Ericson. These photos capture moments from their experience.

Pr. Jack Ericson (center) and  Rev. Mike Patterson (right) with Grand Canyon Synod Bishop Steve Talmage.

Pr. Jack Ericson (center) and Rev. Mike Patterson (right) with Grand Canyon Synod Bishop Steve Talmage.


Rev. Mike Patterson with the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori (right) and an ELCA Bishop from the Midwest.


Participants view a speech by Pope Francis


Pr. Jack Ericson speaks with two fellow Advocacy Gathering attendees.